The Monitor virtual table traces all the database requests made by the client to the tables in your database. The Monitor virtual table is used by C/AL programmers to get an overview of the amount of time that specific operations take. C/AL programmers can use the information in this virtual table to optimize the performance of their code.

The Monitor virtual table contains the following fields.

Field Description Possible values

Entry No.

Successive numbers that are increased for each database.

From 1 to 231 -1.

Function Name

The type of database request.

LOCKTABLE, DELETE, MODIFY, INSERT, DELETEALL, Create Key, Delete Key, Redesign Table, FIND/NEXT, CALCSUMS, CALCSUMS (Slow), COMMIT, Delete Table, Create Database, Close Database, Open Database, Delete Database, Expand Database, Get Table Statistics, COUNT, Get Database Statistics, Optimize Key, Login, Read Database Block, Read BLOB, Insert BLOB, Delete BLOB, Clear Old Versions, Get Database Free Percent, Preload Database Block, and so on.

Parameter No.

The number of the parameter.

Depends on the number of parameters.


The name of the parameter.

Table, Key, Order, Filter, Search Method, Search Result, Records Found, Sum, CPU (ms), Records Read, Sum Intervals, Records Deleted, Records Modified, Disk Reads, Disk Writes, Record, Wait, SumIndexFields, BLOB Field, Commit, User ID, File Name, Source Object, Source Trigger/Function, Source Line No., Source Text, Record Count, Timeout Status, Time Out (ms).


If the parameter is a number, the value is shown in this column.

Any numeric value.


Any nonnumeric parameter is shown in this column.

Any string.

To access the Monitor virtual table, click the Tools menu, and then click Client Monitor. The Client Monitor window opens.

The Client Monitor window has two tabs: General and Options. You use the Options tab to specify the kind of information that is collected by the Client Monitor.

Expand imageMonitor Virtual Table Options

Expand imageSee Also