You can use uniform resource locators (URL) to open elements in the Classic client. URLs have the following syntax:

navision://client/run?name1=value1&name2=value2...&name n &value n

The syntax of each argument is <name>=<value>. Arguments are separated by the "&" character. A name is case insensitive and may contain any alphanumeric character. A value is a case sensitive string that can contain any character. You can provide any number of arguments in any order. Unknown arguments are ignored.

Valid name characters: [A..z] and [0..9]

Valid value characters: all

If a value contains the "&" character, then you must use another "&" character as an escape character to indicate that & is part of the value. For example, if the company name is City Power & Light, then the following URL opens this company and runs the Customer List form:

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navision://client/run?company=City Power && Light&target=form Customer List

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