In Microsoft Dynamics NAV, pages replace forms as the main way to display and organize data in the RoleTailored client. You can create pages to offer users a visual experience that is closely aligned to Microsoft Office and Windows Vista. There are different page types that you use for different situations. The page type you choose depends on the application task you want to support, the content you want to display, and how you want to display it. For example, the Role Center page is the main page of the RoleTailored client and it displays when the RoleTailored client opens. The Role Center page is similar to a home page that helps users focus on their most important daily activities, by giving an overview of the information relevant to their tasks on one page. Other types of pages, such as List pages, display lists of customers or sales orders, while others such as Document task pages, focus on user tasks.

Expand imageDesigning Pages

Expand imageRole Center Page Type

Expand imageCard Page Type

Expand imageCard Part Page Type

Expand imageConfirmationDialog Page

Expand imageDocument Page Type

Expand imageList Page Type

Expand imageList Part Page Type

Expand imageNavigate Page Type for Wizards

Expand imageWorksheet Page

Expand imagePage Controls and Parts

Expand imageSee Also