With Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1, you use RoleTailored client control add-ins to extend the RoleTailored client with custom functionality. A control add-in is a custom control, or visual element, for displaying and modifying data on RoleTailored client pages. The following figure illustrates a control add-in example that displays a gauge control on a page.

Control add-ins are delivered as Microsoft .NET Framework–based assemblies that you install on computers running the RoleTailored client. You register the control add-in in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, and you can then use the control add-in with RoleTailored client pages. For more information, see Installing and Configuring RoleTailored Client Control Add-ins on Pages.

You can use Microsoft Visual Studio to create your own control add-ins. For more information, see Developing RoleTailored Client Control Add-ins.

RoleTailored Client Control Add-in Model

The following figure illustrates the RoleTailored client within the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 architecture.

RoleTailored client control add-in model

You install control add-in assemblies on the computer running the RoleTailored client, not the computer running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. Unlike pages that are instantiated by C/AL code, control add-ins are instantiated using metadata that is found in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database.

See Also