In Microsoft Dynamics NAV you can use a worksheet page type to create two types of pages:

Worksheet pages always open in edit mode and can display lists of data in a grid control and in lines. Lines can be filled in by a user or by running a batch job. You can add other controls to a worksheet page, such as a filter or FactBox, but you cannot add a chart pane. These controls can also be added or removed by the user as part of their user personalization options. Actions can be added to the navigation of a worksheet page, some of which may be promoted by the user to the Action Pane.

In this walkthrough, you learn how to create a new item journal worksheet that displays item journal lines for Susan, the order processor. Susan often uses the posting action on the Item Journal page to adjust her inventory in relation to purchases and sales.

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Expand imageCreating a Worksheet Page

Expand imageAdding a Batch Name Control

Expand imageAdding Field a Repeater Control

Expand imageAdding Fixed Layout Controls

Expand imageAdding FactBoxes

Expand imageRunning the Page

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