An activity button in the navigation pane displays a menu of links to additional pages in the RoleTailored client, as shown in the following example.

Navigation pane clip that shows Activity buttons

You create activity buttons and page links for the navigation pane by adding actions on the page that defines the Role Center. For more information, see Creating Activity Buttons for the Navigation Pane.

To create an activity button for the navigation pane

  1. In the Classic client, on the Tools menu, click Object Designer.

  2. In Object Designer, click Page, select the Role Center page, and then click Design.

  3. In Page Designer, select a blank row.

    You can find a blank row at the bottom of Page Designer. A blank rows gives you access to Action Designer for the page object instead of a single element.

  4. On the View menu, click Actions.

  5. In Action Designer, activity buttons are set up under a single action that has the Type set to ActionContainer and the SubType set to ActivityButtons. If this action already exists, then go to the next step. Otherwise, do the following to add the activity button container:

    1. Select a blank row.

      To insert a row above another row, right-click the row, and then click New.


      The location of the activity button container with respect to other containers is not important. However, if you are inserting a row, then insert the container at the end of the actions that belong to the container above.

    2. In the row, set Type to ActionContainer and SubType to ActivityButtons.

    3. Click on another row, and then click back on the row to fill in Name and Caption automatically.

  6. To add an activity button, select a blank row after the ActivityButtons container row.

    The order of the activity buttons in the Action Designer determines the default order in the navigation pane of the RoleTailored client. If there are existing activity buttons, then locate the new activity button where you want it now or you use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to move it later.

  7. Set Type to ActionGroup.

  8. In the Caption field, type the text to display on the activity button in the RoleTailored client.


    You can also include an image on the activity button. For more information, see How to: Add an Image to an Activity Button

  9. Use the RIGHT ARROW and LEFT ARROW keys to indent the row one level from the ActivityButtons container row.


If the RoleTailored client is currently open, you will not see your changes until you close and restart.

To add a page link to an activity button

  1. In Action Designer, select the action that defines the activity button to which you want to add the page link.

  2. On the View menu, click Properties.

  3. In the Properties window, set the RunObject property value to page name. Substitute name with either the page name or ID. For example, to link to the page with the ID 142 and name Posted Sales Shipments, you can type page 142 or page Posted Sales Shipments.


    Instead of typing page, you can just type p followed by the ID or name, such as p421 or pPosted Sales Shipments.

  4. Use the RIGHT ARROW and LEFT ARROW keys to indent the row one level from the ActionGroup row.


If the RoleTailored client is currently open, you will not see your changes until you close and restart.

See Also