The MenuSuite object contains the main menu content that is displayed in the navigation pane and in Navigation Pane Designer. A menu suite is a set of menus. Each menu contains content for a specific departmental area, for example, Finance or Manufacturing. You create a MenuSuite object in Object Designer after which you can design and customize the menu content in Navigation Pane Designer. For more information about customizing menu content, see How to: Customize a MenuSuite Object. The following procedures describe how to create or modify a MenuSuite object from Object Designer.

To create a MenuSuite object

  1. On the Tools menu, click Object Designer to open the Object Designer window.

  2. In Object Designer, click MenuSuite, and then click the New button to create a new MenuSuite object in Navigation Pane Designer.

  3. This opens a dialog box asking you to specify which design level you want to create an object for. If you have already created a MenuSuite object for all the levels you have permission to, a message will appear informing you of this. After you have made a selection, Navigation Pane Designer opens.


    The MenuSuite object level that you are working on is shown in the header section of Navigation Pane Designer.

  4. In Navigation Pane Designer, right-click a menu item to select a task from the shortcut menu. For more information about creating a menu item, see How to: Customize a MenuSuite Object.

  5. Right-click the navigation pane, and click Close Navigation Pane Designer when you are done.

To modify an existing MenuSuite object

  1. On the Tools menu, click Object Designer to open the Object Designer window.

  2. In Object Designer, click MenuSuite.

  3. Select the MenuSuite that you want to modify, and then click Design.

    This opens Navigation Pane Designer with the chosen menu suite content displayed. The MenuSuite object level is shown in the header section of Navigation Pane Designer.

  4. In Navigation Pane Designer, right-click a menu item to select a task from the shortcut menu.

  5. Right-click the navigation pane, and then click Close Navigation Pane Designer when you are done.


    The MenuSuite also defines the Departments section of the RoleTailored client. If the RoleTailored client is currently open, you will not see your changes to until to you close and restart it. For more information about Departments, see Touring the RoleTailored Client Windows.

See Also