Retrieves part of a BigText variable.

[RetLength :=] BigText.GETSUBTEXT(Variable, Position[, Length])



Type: Text or BigText

The subtext of the BigText that is retrieved. This is the actual text that is returned.


Type: Integer

The position in the BigText variable that the subtext is to be retrieved from. If this parameter is less than one, then a run-time error occurs. If this parameter is greater than the length of the BigText variable, then an empty string is returned. If the value of this parameter plus the value of the Length parameter is greater than the length of the BigText variable, then the remainder of the BigText variable from the position specified by this parameter is returned.


Type: Integer

The length of the subtext that should be retrieved. This parameter is optional. If this parameter is omitted the function retrieves a subtext that starts at Position and runs to the end of the BigText variable. If this parameter is less than 0, then a run-time error occurs. If the value of the Position parameter plus the value of this parameter is greater than the length of the BigText variable, then the remainder of the BigText variable from the position specified by this parameter is returned.

Expand imageProperty Value/Return Value

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