Before you move to the three-tiered architecture in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009, you must evaluate your files that reside on the client to determine whether you need to use different functions to upload or download those files. You must also evaluate your automation components to determine whether you need to use different functions, change code, or redesign them.


In the Classic client, if the application creates a file, then that file is created on the local client computer. In the RoleTailored client, if the application creates a file, the file is created on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. If you need to store a file on the client computer, then you must write code to download the file from Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server to the client. Similarly, if the application must access a file that is stored on the client, then you must write code to upload the file from the client to Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

The following examples demonstrate scenarios that access files:

  • Reports or batch jobs in which the output is saved to a file

  • COM components that generate or consume files

The following table describes guidelines to determine what you must modify to work with files in the RoleTailored client.

Description of file Change required

File is used for processing only

No change required.

File is generated on the server and is provided to the user

Use the DOWNLOAD Function (File) or the DOWNLOADFROMSTREAM Function (File) in C/AL.

File is provided from the client and sent to the server

Use the UPLOAD Function (File) or the UPLOADINTOSTREAM Function (File) in C/AL.

Automation Components

The following table describes guidelines to determine if you must modify your automation components for use in the RoleTailored client.

Description of automation component Change required

Component contains no UI and no client interaction and is for processing only

No change is required.

Component contains no UI and makes a file for a client

Use guidelines for files (see preceding table).

Component contains no UI and accesses local software or network resources, such as MSMQ

You may need to change code to make the computer resource path more explicit.

Component accesses client-local resources, for example, a Gantt server, or client-local hardware, for example, electronic scales

Component is not supported for use with the RoleTailored client. You must redesign using Web services. For more information, see Working with Web Services.

See Also