In Microsoft Dynamics NAV, there are two different layouts for reports:

To view the Classic report layout of a report from the RoleTailored client, you must ensure that the RDLC layout does not exist. If the RDLC layout does not exist and if you run a report from the RoleTailored client, then the Classic report layout is shown.

Before you begin this procedure, confirm the following:

To view a Classic report layout from the RoleTailored client

  1. In the Classic client, on the Tools menu, click Object Designer.

  2. In Object Designer, click Report, select a report for which you want to delete the RDLC layout, and then click Design.

  3. On the Tools menu, click Delete Layout. In the dialog box, click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the layout.

  4. Close Report Designer.

  5. In the RoleTailored client, run the report. For more information about running a report from a command prompt, see How to: Use a Shortcut to Run a Report.

See Also