When you publish a page as a Web service, it has a set of default operations that are exposed to consumers of the Web service.

These operations match the actions a user can perform by interacting with a page using the RoleTailored client. The same page- and table-based business logic is executed.

The following table lists the operations and provides links to reference pages.

Pages that are backed by virtual tables are not editable through Web services. When such pages are published as Web services, the only operations that are available are Read, ReadMultiple, and IsUpdated.

The term entity that is used in the operation signatures describes the data type that is used. The actual entity is defined by the page that is exposed because it contains all controls that are defined on the page. The controls are normally bound to the page's source table. The entity also contains a key that is a special string that uniquely identifies the source table record with a timestamp. This key is used as an argument in many page operations.

All basic page operations are atomic, which means that either all relevant records are affected or no records are affected, even if there was a faulty condition in only one record.

Operation Description and signature

Create Operation

Creates a single record.

void Create(ref Entity entity)

CreateMultiple Operation

Creates a set of records.

void CreateMultiple(ref Entity[] entity)

Read Operation

Reads a single record.

Entity Read(string no)

ReadMultiple Operation

Reads a filtered set of records, paged.

Entity [] ReadMultiple(Entity_Filter[] filterArray, string bookmarkKey, int setSize)

Update Operation

Updates a single record.

void Update(ref Entity entity)

UpdateMultiple Operation

Updates a set of records.

void UpdateMultiple(ref Entity[] entity)

Delete Operation

Deletes a single record.

bool Delete(string key)

IsUpdated Operation

Checks if an object has been updated since the key was obtained.

bool IsUpdated(string key)

Delete_<part> Operation

Deletes a subpage of the current page.

bool Delete_<part>(string key)

See Also