Page triggers are similar in operation and use to form triggers. Page triggers allow you to use C/AL code to control the behavior of the system as a result of an event on the page, such as a page opening or a field changing its value. You typically use page triggers for advanced validation and logic.

Page triggers can be divided into three categories:

General Triggers

The following table lists triggers that apply to the entire page.

Page trigger name Executed

OnInit Trigger

When the page is loaded, but before the controls are available.

OnOpenPage Trigger

When the page is initialized and the controls are available.

OnClosePage Trigger

When the page about to close and after OnQueryClosePage Trigger trigger.

OnFindRecord Trigger

When the page is opened and a record is retrieved from a table.

OnNextRecord Trigger

When the page changes from displaying one record to another record in a table. For example, on a Customer card page, this happens when a user selects Next (CTRL+PAGE DOWN) or Previous (CTRL+PAGE UP).

OnAfterGetRecord Trigger

When a record has been retrieved but not yet displayed.

OnNewRecord Trigger

When a new record has been initialized but not yet displayed.

OnInsertRecord Trigger

When a new record is about to be inserted in the table.

OnModifyRecord Trigger

When a record is about to be modified in the table.

OnDeleteRecord Trigger

When a record is about to be deleted from the table.

OnQueryClosePage Trigger

When the page is about to close, but before the OnClosePage Trigger.

Field Triggers

The following table describes the triggers that are available on field controls.

Control trigger Executed

OnValidate (Controls) Trigger

When the user changes the value in a field and then clicks away from the field so that the field loses focus.

OnLookup (Controls) Trigger

When the user requests a lookup by clicking a field's lookup button or pressing F4.

OnDrillDown Trigger

When the user requests a drill-down by clicking the field's drill-down button or pressing SHIFT+F8.

OnAssistEdit Trigger

When the user requests assist-edit by clicking an AssistEdit button or by pressing SHIFT+F4.

OnControlAddin Trigger

When a control add-in is initiated on a page.

Action Triggers

The following table lists triggers that apply to actions on a page.

Triggers Executed

OnAction Trigger

When an action is initiated on a page.

See Also