Form transformation is an iterative process. After you run the form transformation tool, you might discover errors or warnings in the transformation log file or issues with the page in the RoleTailored client. If the first transformation does not successfully convert all your forms into pages, then you need to make changes and run the transformation tool again.

Before you begin this procedure, be sure that you have reviewed the Transformation.log file and that you understand any errors or warnings. For more information, see Reviewing the Form Transformation Log Output File.

To retransform forms

  1. If needed, make changes to the source form objects. For more information, see Preparing for Form Transformation by Redesigning Forms.

  2. If needed, make changes to the transformation input files. For more information, see Preparing Transformation Tool Input.

  3. If you have modified any source form objects, re-create the Formsl.xml source file. For more information, see How to: Create the Forms.xml Source File.

  4. Re-run the tool until you have transformed all your forms successfully. For more information, see Transforming Forms.

See Also