//Dynamics NAV Documentation Feedback Script //Last updated 14 April 2008 11:20 // *****Start: Partner Section************************ var sPartner = "MSFT";//change to your company name var sRecipient = "mailto:nav-olh@microsoft.com";//append your company's email address. Please leave the Microsoft address as well // ******End: Partner Section*********************** // *****Start: Localization Section************************ //---Note to localization: Do not change and tags.--- var L_fbLocale = 'W1'; //This is the locale of the content; use the short string values at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/0h88fahh.aspx var L_fbLink_Text = 'Documentation Feedback';//--- This is the link text appearing at the bottom of each topic --- //--- This is the text appearing in the feedback window --- var L_fbTitle_Text = 'Documentation Feedback'; var L_fbParagraph_Text = "Was this information helpful?"; var L_fbValue1_Text = "Yes, this information was helpful."; var L_fbValue2_Text = "This Help topic contains an error."; var L_fbValue3_Text = "I could not find what I was looking for."; var L_fbEnterFeedbackHere_Text = 'To submit your feedback,'; //The text: Click here will be appended here! var L_fbCancel_Text = 'Cancel'; //--- This is the text appearing in the feedback email body --- var L_fbTypeHere_Text = 'PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE or your feedback will not be processed. %0d%0dPlease contact product support directly if you have problems using the product and need technical assistance. %0d%0d The Microsoft Dynamics NAV writing team uses your feedback to improve documentation. We do not use your email address for any other purpose and we dispose of your email address after the issue you report is resolved. While we are working to resolve the issue you report, we may send email to you to get further details or clarification on the feedback you send to us. After the issue you report has been addressed, we may send email to you to let you know that your feedback has been addressed.%0d%0d For further information, please see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=81184. %0d%0d'; var L_fbSubmit_Text = 'click here';//This text is appended to "To add comments and send an e-mail with your feedback" above //--- This text is appended to the text in the feedback email body, which depends on users selection --- var L_fbQuestion1_Text = "Add your comments here:%0d%0d"; var L_fbQuestion2_Text = "How was the information incorrect?"; var L_fbQuestion3_Text = "What were you looking for?"; var L_fbQuestionDefault_Text = "Add your comments here:"; // ******End: Localization Section*********************** var sProduct = 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV'; var sVersion = '2009'; var sClassicFolderName = '\\Classic\\' //Set to parent folder containing the CSide docs function FeedBackLink() { document.write('

' +L_fbLink_Text + '

'); } function EMailStream(obj) { var stream; stream = '
' + '
' + '

' + L_fbTitle_Text + '

' + '

' + L_fbParagraph_Text + '

' + '
' + '

<\P>' + '' + L_fbValue1_Text + '
' + '' + L_fbValue2_Text + '
' + '' + L_fbValue3_Text + '
' + '

' + '

' + L_fbEnterFeedbackHere_Text + ' ' + ''+ submitFeedback() + '

' + '

' + L_fbCancel_Text + '       

' + '
' + '
'; obj.innerHTML = stream; // Scroll to the bottom, after a delay window.setTimeout('scrollToBottom()',50); } function ShowFeedback() {EMailStream(fb);document.getElementById('fbb').style.display='none';}; function submitFeedback() { var sTitle = ParseTitle(document.title); var sHTM = ParseFileName(window.location.href); var sClientName = ParseClientName(window.location.href) var sSubject = '[' + sProduct + '] ' + '[' + sVersion + '] ' + '[' + L_fbLocale + '] ' + '[' + sClientName + '] ' + '[' + sPartner + '] ' + '[' + sHTM + '] ' + '[' + sTitle + '] ' + '[' + '\' + GetRating() + \'' + '-Class]'; var sEntireMailMessage = sRecipient + '?subject=' + sSubject + '&body=' + L_fbTypeHere_Text + '\' + GetQuestion() + \''; var sHREF = ''+L_fbSubmit_Text+'' + '.'; return sHREF; } //---Parses document title.--- function ParseTitle(theTitle) { theTitle = theTitle.replace(/\"/g,"--"); theTitle = theTitle.replace(/'/g,"-"); if (theTitle == "") {theTitle = "Documentation Feedback";} if (theTitle.length > 60) {theTitle = theTitle.slice(0,57) + "...";} return theTitle; } //---Parses document filename.--- function ParseFileName(Filename) { var intPos = Filename.lastIndexOf("\\"); var intLen = Filename.length; var newFileName = Filename.substr(intPos + 1, intLen - intPos); // Look for the last forward slash, and any pound symbol var x = newFileName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1; var y = newFileName.lastIndexOf("#"); if(y == (-1)) { // There is no pound symbol (#) newFileName = newFileName.slice(x); } else { newFileName = newFileName.slice(x,y); } return(newFileName); } //---Parse Client Name---- function ParseClientName(Filename) { var y = Filename.lastIndexOf(sClassicFolderName); if(y == (-1)) { // HTM not in a path containing sClassicFolderName sClientName = "RTC"; } else { sClientName = "CSide"; } return(sClientName); } function GetRating() { sRating = "0"; for(var x = 0;x < 3;x++) { if(document.formRating.fbRating(x).checked) {sRating = x + 1;} } return sRating; } function GetQuestion() { var rating = GetRating(); var question; if(rating == "1") { question = L_fbQuestion1_Text; } else if(rating == "2") { question = L_fbQuestion2_Text; } else if(rating == "3") { question = L_fbQuestion3_Text; } else { question = L_fbQuestionDefault_Text; } return question; } //---Reloads window.--- function fbReload() { window.location.reload(true); } //---Scrolls to the bottom of the window.--- function scrollToBottom() { window.scrollBy(0,20000); }