Entering Datetimes

When you enter datetimes you must enter a space between the date and the time.

The following table lists the various ways in which you can enter datetimes and how they are interpreted:




131202 132455

13-12-02 13:24:55

1-12-02 10

01-12-02 10:00:00

1.12.02 5

01-12-02 05:00:00


01-12-02 00:00:00

11 12

11-current month-current year 12:00:00

1112 12

11-12-current year 12:00:00

t or today

today's date 00:00:00

t time

today's date actual time

t 10:30

today's date 10:30:00

t 3:3:3

today's date 03:03:03

w or workdate

the working date 00:00:00

m or monday

Monday of the current week 00:00:00

tu or tuesday

Tuesday of the current week 00:00:00

we or wednesday

Wednesday of the current week 00:00:00

th or thursday

Thursday of the current week 00:00:00

f or friday

Friday of the current week 00:00:00

s or saturday

Saturday of the current week 00:00:00

su or sunday

Sunday of the current week 00:00:00

tu 10:30

Tuesday of the current week 10:30:00

tu 3:3:3

Tuesday of the current week 03:03:03


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