Cut, Copy and Paste

You access these functions by clicking Edit, Cut, Copy or Paste on the menu bar or by using the Cut, Copy and Paste buttons on the toolbar.

You can use these functions to cut or copy contents from the application and paste them someplace else in the program or in another program.

You cannot insert clippings from other programs into Microsoft Dynamics NAV, because doing so could result in inconsistencies in your accounting data.

In Microsoft Dynamics NAV, you can cut the contents of a field, a part of a field, or one or more records (lines) at a time. You can cut or copy from both card windows and windows with columns/rows. To insert the cut/copied data into a new record, the window must be in INSERT mode (press F3). Copying and pasting entire records is very useful if you must set up many similar inventory items, such as 100 screws that vary only in diameter and item number.

If you copy an entire record, such as an item from the item list, the item number will be included. Because an item number must be unique, it cannot be used for more than one item. Thus when you paste the copied record to a new item card, Microsoft Dynamics NAV will tell you that the item number already exists. After this, the card containing the item number will be displayed, and you must change the number. When the new number is entered, the record is created correctly.

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