Suggestion of Item Charge Assignment in Sales Documents

When you want to assign item charges to sales lines, you can have the program suggest an assignment based on one of two principles:




The program suggests that you assign the item charge equally to all assignment lines in the assignment window


The program suggests that you assign the item charge depending on the contents of amount fields in the sales line, sales shipment line or sales return receipt line.

If you select Equally, the program divides the assignable quantity by the number of assignment lines. It then inserts equal parts of the total quantity into the Qty. to Assign fields.

If you select Amount, the program first takes the relevant amount fields in the three different kinds of original lines into consideration:

When the program has entered its suggested assignment, you can still adapt the numbers in the Qty. to Assign fields manually.

Related Topics

Suggesting An Assignment of Item Charges to Sales Documents

Assigning Item Charges to Sales Documents

Assignment of Item Charges to Sales Documents

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