Invoicing Posted Shipment Lines

You might need to create a service invoice for the service that has already been shipped (either from one or several service orders) but not yet invoiced or consumed. The program allows you to fill in the invoice lines automatically with the selected posted shipment lines for a specific customer.

To Invoice Posted Shipment Lines:

  1. Open the Service Invoice window.

  2. Place the cursor in the No. field and press F3 to create a new service invoice, and then fill in the document header.

  3. Create invoice lines for the service shipped but not invoiced. Alternatively, you can run the Get Shipment Lines function. Click Functions, Get Shipment Lines. In the Get Service Shipment Lines window, select the shipment line(s) that you want to invoice and click OK. The program inserts the selected posted shipment line(s) into the invoice.

  4. To post the service invoice, click Posting, Post.

The program creates the posted service invoice as well as the corresponding ledger entries. The program also updates the previously posted shipment documents with the invoiced quantities and the relevant quantities on the service lines of the source order(s).

Related Topics

Creating Combined Invoices

Posting Invoices from Service Orders

Undoing Service Shipments


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