Setting Up Service Costs

You can use the Service Costs window to set up cost codes with set prices for specific service costs, such as travel costs to particular service zones, and so on.

To Set Up Service Costs:

  1. Open the Service Costs window.

  2. Press F3 to enter a new service cost.

  3. Fill in the Code and Description fields.

  4. In the Cost Type field, select whether the cost is a travel cost, a support cost or other.

  5. In the Account field, click the AssistButton to see the G/L Account List window. Select the account you want the cost amount posted to, and then click OK to copy it to the field.

  6. If the cost type is Travel, in the Service Zone Code field, click the AssistButton to see the Service Zones window. Select the relevant service zone, and then click OK to copy it to the field.

  7. Fill in the other fields in the Service Costs window. For Help about a specific field, click the field and press F1.

Repeat steps 2 to 7 for each service cost you want to create.

Related Topics

Registering Costs for Service Orders

Registering Costs for Service Items

Setting Up Service Zones

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