Canceling Allocations

If you need to cancel allocations of resources (for example, technicians) to service tasks without reallocating the tasks directly, you can cancel the allocations.

To Cancel Allocations:

  1. Open the Dispatch Board window.

  2. Browse to the relevant service order and click Planning, Resource Allocations. The Resource Allocations window appears.

  3. Select the allocation entry with the service task that you want to cancel allocation for.

  4. Click Functions, Cancel Allocation. A dialog box appears, asking you whether you want to cancel the allocation.

  5. In the Reason Code field in the dialog box, click the AssistButton to open the Reason Code window. Select the appropriate reason code, and then click OK to copy the reason code to the field.

  6. Click OK to confirm the cancellation.

The program automatically selects the Reallocation Needed option in the Status field. If the repair status of the service item in the entry is Initial, the program changes the repair status to Referred (no service has been started). If the repair status is In Process, the program changes the repair status to Partly Serviced (some service has been completed).

Repeat steps 2 to 6 for each service task that you want to cancel allocation for.

Related Topics

Reallocating Resources

Allocation Status and Repair Status


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