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Rejecting Documents

If a document sent to you for approval does not meet the criteria for approval, you can decide to reject the document.

To reject a document:
  1. Open the Approval Entries window.

  2. Select the document(s) you want to reject and then click Reject. If you have set it up, the Approval Comment Sheet window opens.

  3. You can enter a comment in the Approval Comment Sheet window explaining why you have rejected the document. The comment is stored in the Approval Entry lines for the approval requester to see.

When the source document has been rejected, the program updates the status for the approval entry from Created to Rejected. If the document has been set up to require more than one approver, then, if just one approver rejects the document, the document's status is updated from Pending Approval to Open. The document creator can modify the document and then request approval again.


Related Topics

About Document Approvals

Approving Documents

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