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Changing Approved Documents

If you need to make a minor change to a document (a quote, an order, a blanket order, an invoice, a return order, or a credit memo) after it has been approved, rather than canceling the approval process, you can reopen the document, make the change, and then approve the document. However, if you need to make significant changes to a document, such as changing the item number or quantity, you must cancel the approval request process, make the change, and then resubmit the request for approval.

To change an approved document:
  1. Open the relevant document.

  2. Click Functions and select Reopen. The Document Status field reverts to Open.

  3. Make the necessary changes in the document.

  4. Click Functions and select Release.

When you reopen the source document, the Approval Entry Status remains Approved while you make the changes.


Related Topics

About Document Approvals

Canceling a Document Approval

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