Dampener (Time) Field

The Manufacturing Setup Table

Here you can enter a period of time during which you do not want the planning system to propose to reschedule existing supply orders forward. In this way you can limit the sensitivity of the planing system.

When a dampener time is set, the system will only reschedule an order when the defined dampener time has passed since the order's original due date.

Note that the dampener time applied to an item can never be higher than the value in the item's Reorder Cycle field. This is because the inventory build-up time that occurs during a dampener time period would conflict with the build-up period defined by the item's reorder cycle.

Accordingly, the (global) dampener time will normally apply to all items. However, if an item's reorder cycle is shorter than the (global) dampener time, then the item's dampener time will equal its reorder cycle.

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