Planning Availability Report

This report displays an overview of all known existing requirements and receipts for the items that you select on a specific date. You can use the report to get a quick picture of the current demand-supply situation for an item.

The report displays the item number and description plus the actual quantity in inventory. Changes to the projected available inventory are listed chronologically and shown in the following columns:

Gross Requirement: This is the total demand, independent and dependent, for the particular item. Independent demand comes from sales orders, service orders, transfer orders and production forecasts. Dependent demand comes from production order components from planned, firm planned and released production orders. Component demand for production order proposals in planning and requisition worksheets is also included.

Planned Receipts: These are the items from replenishment order proposals. This includes planned production orders, planning worksheets and requisition worksheets.

Scheduled Receipts: These are the items from replenishment orders. This includes firm planned production orders, released production orders, purchase orders and transfer orders.

Projected Balance: This shows the projected available inventory, which includes current inventory + scheduled receipts + planned receipts - requirements. Note that when calculating a replenishment plan, the program will regard a projected balance, which is negative, as an additional requirement. The projected balance is effected by several parameters, which are located on the Item card, Planning tab:

Document Type: This shows the type of document that is the source of the availability.

Document No.: This shows the number of the relevant source document.

You can define what is included in the report by setting filters. You can set additional fields on the Planning Buffer tab by clicking the Field field, and then clicking the AssistButton that appears to the right. You can also determine what is shown in the report by filling in the fields on the Options tab. Fill in the fields as follows:

Planning Buffer

Item No.: Enter the numbers of the items to be included in the report. To see the existing item numbers, click the Filter field, and then click the AssistButton that appears to the right.

Date: Enter the period for which you want the availability entries to be shown.


Yes: Select this field if you want the report to display a detailed list of each demand and supply entry.

No: Select this field if you do not want the report to display a detailed list. The report will instead show the total cumulative demand and supply.

Click the Print button to print out the report. If you want to see the report on the screen before printing, click the Preview button. If you do not want to print the report now, click Cancel to close the window.

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