Items per Job Report

This report shows which items are used for a specific job.

You can define what is included in the report by setting filters. You can set additional fields on the tabs by clicking the Field field, then clicking the AssistButton to the right.

Fill in the fields as follows:


No.: Specify the numbers of the jobs to be included in the report. To see the existing job numbers, click the Filter field, then click the AssistButton to the right.

Posting Date Filter: Enter a posting date filter for the period you want the report to include.

Click the Lookup button at the lower left-hand corner of the window to see the result of the filter you have defined for the table.


No.: Specify the numbers of the items to be included in the report. To select the items from the Item List window, click the Filter field, then click the AssistButton to the right.

Click Print to print out the report. If you want to see the report on the screen before printing, click Preview. If you do not want to print the report now, click Cancel to close the window.

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