Copy Job Task Batch Job

You use this batch job to copy planning lines from one job task to another. You can copy from a job task within the job you are working with or from a job task linked to a different job.


The planning dates on the planning lines that you copy will be the same dates as the planning dates in the planning lines that you copy from. After you have copied, you can change these dates by running the Change Job Dates batch job.

Fill in the fields as follows:


In the Copy from section, you specify the job and job task you want to copy planning lines from:

Job No.: Enter the number of the job that you want to copy from. Click the AssistButton in the field to see a list of available jobs.

Job Task No.: Enter the number of the job task that you want to copy from. You must fill in the Job No. field before you can fill in this field. Click the AssistButton in the field to see a list of available job tasks from the job you specified in the Job No. field.

Include Line Type: Choose the planning line type you want to copy from. The options are:

<Blank>: No planning lines will be copied

Schedule: Only lines of type Schedule or type Both Schedule and Contract will be copied.

Contract:  Only lines of type Contract or type Both Schedule and Contract will be copied.

Schedule+Contract: All planning lines will be copied.

Starting Date: To copy planning lines for a specified period of time, enter the starting date of that time period in this field. Only planning lines with a planning date on or after the starting date will be included.

Ending Date: To copy planning lines for a specified period of time, enter the ending date of that time period in this field. Only planning lines with a planning date on or before the ending date will be included.

In the Copy to section, you specify which job and job task you want to copy planning lines to:

Job No.: Enter the number of the job that you want to copy planning lines to. Click the AssistButton in the field to see a list of available jobs.

Job Task No.: Enter the number of the job task that you want to copy planning lines to. You must fill in the Job No. field before you can fill in this field. Click the AssistButton in the field to see a list of available job tasks on the job you specified in the Job No. field.

In the Apply section, you specify how the planning lines should be copied:

Copy Quantity: Insert a check mark in this field to copy the quantities to the new job.

Click OK to run the batch job. If you do not want to run the batch job now, click Cancel to close the window.

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