BOM Journal Batch Table

List of Fields in the Table

You can open the BOM Journal Batch table by clicking the AssistButton to the right of the Batch Name field in a BOM journal. The table shows the BOM journal batches that have been set up in the program, and if you need to create new ones, you do it here.

If you want to create a BOM journal batch, choose Modify, then Edit, Insert New on the menu bar, then fill in the fields in the table.

You can set up several BOM journal templates. It is possible to set up several journal batches under each journal template. That is, the same window can be used to display several different journals, each with its own name. This can be practical, for example, if every user needs to have his or her own journal.

You can have the program number the journal batches automatically with each posting by including a number in the journal batch name. For example, the name ANNE1 will change by one number with every posting, to ANNE2, ANNE3, and son on.

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