Delete Phys. Inventory Ledger Batch Job

You use the Delete Phys. Inventory Ledger batch job if you need to delete one or more physical inventory ledger entries.

You can define which physical inventory ledger entries are included in the batch job by setting filters. You can set additional fields on the tab by clicking the Field field, then clicking the AssistButton that appears to the right. You can also determine what is shown in the batch job by filling in the fields on the Options tab. Fill in the fields as follows:

Phys. Inventory Ledger Entry

Item No.: Enter the number of the item whose physical inventory ledger entries are to be deleted. To see the existing item numbers, click the AssistButton to the right.

Inventory Posting Group: Enter the code of the inventory posting group, from which the program will delete physical inventory ledger entries. To see the existing inventory posting groups, click the AssistButton to the right.


Starting Date: Enter the first date of the period from which the program will suggest physical inventory ledger entries. The batch job will include all entries from this date to the ending date.

Ending Date: Enter the last date of the period from which the program will suggest physical inventory ledger entries. The batch job will include all entries from the starting date to this date.

Click OK to start the batch job. If you do not want to run the batch job now, click Cancel to close the window.

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