Reapplying Item Entries

When you post a transaction where items are moved in or out of inventory, the program creates item applications. The item applications link an inventory increase to an inventory decrease. These applications determine the flow of costs from the goods that are received in inventory to the cost of goods going out of inventory. Because of the way the unit cost is calculated, an incorrect item application can lead to a skewed average cost and skewed unit cost.

You might need to undo an application and/or reapply item ledger entries for a variety of reasons:

Whenever possible, use a document to make a reapplication. For instance, if you need to make a purchase return of an item to which a sale has already been applied, you can make the reapplication by simply creating and posting the purchase return document with the correct application in the Appl.-to Item Entry field on the purchase return line. You can use the Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse function or the Copy Document function in the purchase return document to make this easier. When you post the document, the program makes the reapplication of the item ledger entry automatically.

If it is not possible to use a document to make a reapplication, such as when you need to correct a fixed application, use the Application Worksheet to make a correction to an application only when necessary.

Removing an Item Application with the Application Worksheet

  1. Open the Application Worksheet. The worksheet shows all item ledger entries.

  2. Select the item ledger entry for which you want to change the application.

  3. To make it easier to find the item ledger entries you need, enter filters in the filter fields at the top of the window.

  4. When you have selected the item ledger entry, click View, Applied Entries. The Application Worksheet - Applied Entries window opens to show the item ledger entrie(s) that are currently applied to the selected entry.

  5. Select the item ledger entry for which you want to remove the application.

  6. Click Remove App. This removes the item application entry that links the two item ledger entries and moves it to the Item Application Entry History table.

The Remaining Quantity fields of the two item ledger entries are increased by the quantity that has been un-applied. The removed item ledger entry is now available for reapplication, either from the Application Worksheet window or from the Application Worksheet - Unapplied Entries window. See below.

Creating an Item Application with the Application Worksheet

  1. Open the Application Worksheet.

  2. To reapply entries removed since the worksheet was opened, select the item ledger entry that you would like to reapply and then click Functions, Reapply. This reapplication to the original balance also happens automatically when you close the Application Worksheet window.

  3. To apply an available open item ledger entry to another entry, select the item ledger entry that you would like to apply and then click View, Entries to Apply. The Application Worksheet - Unapplied Entries window opens.

  1. Select one or more item ledger entries that you would like to apply to the entry selected in the Application Worksheet window, and then click OK. The program creates an item application entry between the two item ledger entries. The Remaining Quantity fields of the two entries are reduced by the applied quantity.

    Note: In certain rare situations, the program does not make the application that you are proposing. This is when you have unknowingly chosen to make an application that would create an infinite loop in the cost adjustment process. This is usually in cases where the original entries created negative stock. The program does not make the application, so you must select a different entry for the application.

  2. If in the inventory setup, the Automatic Cost Adjustment field is set to Always, the program automatically runs the cost adjustment batch job after you make a reapplication. Otherwise, run the Adjust Cost - Item Entries batch job to ensure that all costs are up to date.



The following are important considerations to keep in mind when working with the application worksheet:

Related Topics

Item Application

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