Recording Serial/Lot Number Information

If you need to link special information to a specific item tracking number, for example for quality assurance, you can do so in a serial or lot number information card.

To Record Serial/Lot Number Information:

  1. From an active Item Tracking Lines form, click Functions, Information.

  2. Select Serial No. or Lot No. The item and item tracking number are already copied from the item tracking line.

  1. You can enter a short piece of information in the Description field and you can also create a separate comment record by clicking Serial No. or Lot No.,and then clicking Comment. A check mark in the Blocked field will exclude the specific item tracking number from any future transaction.

To Modify Existing Serial/Lot Number Information:

  1. From the Item Card window, click Item, Entries, Ledger Entries.

  2. In the Lot No. or Serial No. field, perform a lookup of the item tracking number by clicking the lookup button in the field. If information exists for this number, the Lot No. Information List or Serial No. Information List window will open.

  3. Open the Lot No. Information Card window or Serial No. Information Card window by clicking Functions, Lot No./Serial No. Information Card.


If you are reclassifying a lot or serial number for an item to a new lot or serial number using the item reclassification journal, you can copy the old information to the new lot or serial number. For more information on this, see Reclassifying Lot or Serial Numbers.

Related Topics

Viewing Serial/Lot Number Information

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