IC Inbox Transaction Table

List of Fields in the Table

The IC Inbox Transaction table contains the intercompany transactions that you have received from your intercompany partners.

Each line in the table represents a document or journal (a transaction). There may be two or more sales or purchase lines for one transaction. The detailed lines are in the IC Inbox Jnl. Line table, the IC Inbox Sales Line table or the IC Inbox Purchase Line table.

You remove a transaction from your inbox by accepting or rejecting it. When you accept a transaction, the program transfers it to a journal or document in your company. When you reject a transaction in your inbox, the program moves it to your outbox, to be sent back to your partner.

When a line is removed from the IC Inbox Transaction table, the program creates a corresponding line in the Handled IC Inbox Transaction table.

The inbox can also contain a transaction that was created by your company and returned by the partner company. When you accept it, the program will create correction lines.


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