Account Schedule Report

This report shows an Acc. Schedule, which can be used to display the G/L accounts in a different way than in the chart of accounts. Account schedules can be used, for example, for reports on key figures.

You use the Column Layout Name table to define what columns should be included in the report. For example, you can design a layout to compare net change and balance for the same period this year and last year. Note that a printed version of an Account Schedule can display a maximum of 5 columns. If there are more than five columns in an Account Schedule, only the first five will be printed. The preview will show you exactly how the rows and columns will appear in the printed version.  


Acc. Schedule Name: This field shows the name of the account schedule to be shown in the report.

Column Layout Name: This field shows the name of the column layout that will be used for the report.


Date Filter: This field shows the period for which the account schedule will show net changes and balances.

Budget Filter: This field can contain a budget filter for the report.

Business Unit Filter: This field can contain a business unit filter for the report.  

Dimension Filters

Here you can filter by dimensions.

The contents of the Acc. Schedule Name field determines which dimension filters are available. If there is an analysis view associated with the account schedule name, you can filter by the dimensions assigned to the analysis view. If there is no analysis view associated with the account schedule name, you can filter by the global dimensions.


Show Error: This field shows when the report will indicate that there is an error. There are the following options:


The program will not display any errors.

Division by Zero

If a formula in the account schedule results in division by zero, the program will display *ERROR* in place of the amount.

Period Error

If there is a difference in the length of the periods, the program displays Not Available in place of the amount.


The program checks for both division by zero and period errors.

Show Amounts in Add. Reporting Currency: A check mark in the box indicates that report amounts will be shown in the additional reporting currency.

Show Account Schedule Setup: A check mark in the box indicates that the actual report with the amounts will be preceded by one or more pages that describe the account schedule setup. That is, the first pages of the report show the lines that have been defined in the Account Schedule window.

Click the Print button to print out the report. If you want to see the report on the screen before printing, click the Preview button. If you do not want to print the report now, click Cancel to close the window.

Related Topics

Printing from the Acc. Schedule Overview Window

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