Posting Disposal Transactions

When you sell or otherwise dispose of a fixed asset, the disposal value must be posted. The program calculates the gain or loss. A disposal entry must be the last entry posted for a fixed asset. For partially disposed fixed assets, you can post more than one disposal entry. The total of all posted disposal amounts must be a credit amount.

To post a disposal transaction to a depreciation book for which disposal has G/L integration, use an FA G/L Journal.

To post a disposal transaction to a depreciation book for which disposal does not have G/L integration, use an FA Journal.


If you trade in a fixed asset for another one, you must record both the sale of the old asset (disposal) and the purchase of the new one (acquisition). This kind of transaction cannot be recorded as a single transaction.

Related Topics

About Fixed Assets

Posting Disposal Transactions from FA G/L Journals

Filling In and Posting FA G/L Journals

Posting Disposal Transactions from FA Journals

Filling In and Posting FA Journals

Viewing Disposal Ledger Entries

Posting Partial Disposals

Acquisition Costs

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